Rose Affordable Housing Preservation Fund IV

Jonathan Rose Companies (“Rose”) is one of the country’s leading developers and investors in sustainable, affordable, and mixed-income multi-family real estate. SWAHA has invested in the Rose Affordable Housing Preservation Fund IV, L.P. This is Rose’s fourth institutional fund and it is focused on generating strong risk-adjusted returns by: creating and preserving affordable multifamily housing; implementing practical green strategies to reduce costs and increase efficiency; and increasing opportunity for its residents through social and educational services. Rose aims to provide safe, energy efficient and affordable housing as a stable base for families and seniors and to connect residents with a range of health, educational and social services. Rose will also certify properties with Enterprise Green Communities, a national standard for energy efficiency and wellness and will partner with leading national foundations and schools of public health to measure outcomes for low-income residents.

SWAHA views affordable housing and a safe community as a human right. By creating environmentally, socially, and economically responsible housing developments that equalize the landscape of opportunity for their residents, Rose is improving the health and well-being of thousands of U.S. citizens and the communities where they live. SWAHA continues to invest in Rose for its ability to provide positive solutions and deliver cost-effective strategies that enhance the connection between people and the pathways to opportunity.